Digital Media Services

Crafting Visualizations to Convey Answers

Understanding and explaining a series of events to clients and jurors can be complex. The task gets more complicated when the events being explained are chaotic and not necessarily agreed upon by everyone involved. For accident reconstruction, digital media helps to fill the gaps that are needed to resolve legal disputes. At DELTA |v|, we provide digital media services specifically tailored to meet your needs.

Field-to-Finish in 3-Dimensions

DELTA |v| gives life to the science and physics of vehicle accidents. We collect all our field data in 3D so that you can view your case from any angle. Whether you need a physics-based simulation or a compelling and accurate animation, all our digital media tools are tailored to your needs.

  • We are qualified forensic animation experts. 
  • Forensically accurate & scientifically precise animations
  • Our services range from 2D line drawings to 3D animations allowing us to meet any budget. 
  • Our solutions simplify complex ideas or scenarios that may be difficult to visualize.
  • Our engineers use peer-reviewed and industry trusted programs.
  • We routinely host in-house training for simulation and animation programs.
  • Our digital media products have been admitted in state and federal courts nationwide.

Advanced Photogrammetry for Increased Accuracy

Photogrammetry is a scientific and engineering technique that allows us to create 3D models using digital content and photographs. After documenting the accident scene, the data is used in combination with provided photographs to extract spatial information and calculate distances and positions of objects to help better explain what has occurred. With photogrammetry we are able to:

  • Create accurate topographic maps and terrain models 
  • Accurately indicate the position of multiple vehicles 
  • Calculate distances with pinpoint accuracy

Extracting Answers Through Video Analysis

As more and more video cameras are added to the environment around us, the amount of data that can be used to understand motor vehicle accidents continues to increase. Unfortunately, not all video footage is created equal. In many instances, useful data must be extracted and analyzed by a forensic professional to make the information contained within it both clear and useful. At DELTA |v|, we use proven and trusted video analysis programs to extract critical information needed for a complete accident reconstruction. We use video analysis to:

  • Determine vehicle speed, position, and visibility
  • Evaluate the sequence of collisions in complex accident scenarios
  • Analyze the avoidability of an incident
  • Evaluate driver perception response time

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